Cutting out the middle-man ''could save you thousands''

Fri 5th Sep, 09:32:05 BST

Selling a property privately could save you thousands of pounds in commission charges, according to a property website managing director.

Managing director of Spencer Claydon said estate agent fees can be avoided altogether if a seller puts their property up for sale on a commission free website, reports the Metro.

According to the paper, estate agents charged Britons an estimated £6.5 billion in administration fees in 2007.

Mr Claydon told the news provider: "For marketing and negotiating the sale of the average £400,000 London home, estate agents would charge nearly £10,000 in needless commission."

He added: "Going it alone can actually save you time."

Mr Claydon''s comments come hot on the heels of an announcement by the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) that it will launch a fee-free property website for professional estate agent in order to reduce their advertising costs.

Property Live will be funded through NAEA member fees – which cost £175 a year.

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