Traditional household in decline

Fri 18th Jul, 09:45:21 BST

The traditional household is in decline as Brits opt for less conformative lifestyles, according to Legal & General.

And 40 per cent of those who fit the average household profile claim they don''t fit the "married couple with children" stereotype.

Legal & General''s Changing Face of British Homes report showed that almost two-thirds of people are living alone as the number of single parent families become more commonplace.

Garry Skelton, marketing director for Legal & General''s general insurance business said: "We hear every day about ''average'' - the ''average salary'', ''average house prices'', ''the average person'' but the report has established that there is no longer an average household - we are all individual."

More than 82 per cent of Brits are making changes to their lifestyle as a result of the credit crunch.

And according to the BBC, the number of people moving house has dropped to the lowest level since 1978.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18690495-ADNFCR

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