Ex celeb homes can be easier to sell

Fri 11th Apr, 11:39:29 BST

It can be easier to sell a house if it once belonged to a celebrity.

That is according to Knight Frank, although the firm pointed out that it is not usually a "key point" for most buyers.

A home which was once owned by a celebrity can make a property more marketable and may create additional interest.

However, Liam Bailey, head of residential research at the company, said that it is unlikely a buyer would purchase a property simply because somebody famous once lived in it.

"If [a house has] got a historical connection to a famous person or celebrity then it does add some interest to the property and can certainly help with the marketing," he explaned.

"It''s the kind of thing that you can get more coverage with when you''re putting it on the market.

"I wouldn''t say it was a key point when people are buying properties though," added Mr Bailey.

He pointed out that many people might be attracted to a property which was once owned by a celebrity because celebrities tend to live in ''nice'' areas.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18547720-ADNFCR

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