Buyers ''notice energy efficiency''

Fri 7th Dec, 17:19:26 GMT

Sellers could stand to benefit from making green improvements to their property, it has been suggested.

Andrew Leech, technical consultant to the National Home Improvement Council, said that "people take notice" of eco-friendly measures when they view a home and commented that surveyors will be looking for them when they prepare home information packs (Hips).

He explained that the packs require homes to have at least 11 inches of insulation in the loft, saying: "The surveyors who will be looking at the property after somebody decides to purchase it … that''s the sort of thing they will be looking for."

"They will be looking at whether you''ve got double glazing, whether you''ve got an efficient energy system and heating system," Mr Leech added.

On December 14th, Hips will be compulsory for all residential properties being put on the market.

Research released earlier this year following the scheme''s launch found that the average four-bedroom house had been given a rating of E on an A-G scale measuring the energy efficiency of a home but suggested that sellers could boost their score if they made green improvements.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18386689-ADNFCR

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