Salford ''set for influx of celebrities''

Thu 25th Oct, 12:30:38 BST

Salford is set to become the home to a legion of television personalities when the BBC completes its move of some departments to the city, property experts have claimed.

The BBC intends to move it Children''s, Sport, Five Live, Research and Development and New Media departments to the northern town by 2011 some people are predicting that areas such as Broadway are likely to feel the benefit.

Chris Heath, managing director of property development firm Prospect, told the Salford Advertiser: "Broadway is perfectly located just at the edge of the media city and residents will get a real buzz out of living here.

"In less than four years it will be right in the thick of creative media hub and you''ll have famous faces running in and out of the BBC."

Anthony Stankard, from King Sturge Residential, a property consultancy, added that Salford looks poised to follow the example of Cardiff, which gained "new kudos" when the BBC began filming Dr Who and Torchwood in the area.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18330541-ADNFCR

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