Climate change not affecting ski property market

Mon 6th Aug, 16:10:33 BST

British buyers are still interested in European ski resorts, despite the recent concerns surrounding global warming, overseas property experts have claimed.

While the ski property firm Ski Invest Ltd acknowledged that temperatures in the Alps have risen over the past few years, with 2003 recording the highest temperatures in 500 years, a significant number of people still feel that this is merely a "blip" in the weather conditions and believe snow will continue to fall in the region.

"I don't think [ski resorts] are any less popular now than they were before all the publicity of climate change," said Terry Birne, the firm's director.

"If an investor likes a resort or an area and wants to buy a second home there, they will still go ahead, even if it is a relatively low resort – as long as there is access to snow, they will justify it."

According to recent figures, between 60 and 80 million tourists visit ski resorts in the Alps in France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany every year.

In a recent survey carried out by the Bank of Scotland, 49 per cent of the Britons questioned said that France would be their preferred destination if they were to buy a property overseas.


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