About Wylam
Wylam is a village in Northumberland, England. Nearby places are Clara Vale, Coalburns, Crawcrook, Eltringham, Greenside, Harlow Hill, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Horsley, Low Greenside, Mickley Square, Ovingham, Ovington, Prudhoe, Rudchester, Ryton, Ryton Woodside, Throckley and West Wylam. Estate Angels has seventeen estate agents, three mortgage advisers and one conveyancing solicitor covering Wylam.
The average selling price for property in Wylam over the past twelve months has been £234,038. Most of these properties were existing terraced houses. Twelve have been sold here at an average price of £233,667, which is above the national average for existing terraced houses and is above the average selling price in Northumberland for this property type.
Two estate agent contact requests have been made here during the last twelve months, 33.3% fewer than the twelve months before and seven people in Wylam over the last twelve months, which is 133.3% more than the preceding twelve-month period, used the Estate Angels service to contact mortgage adviser.