About Leigh
Leigh is a town in Greater Manchester, England. Nearby places are Abram, Aspull Common, Astley, Astley Green, Atherton, Bickershaw, Culcheth, Firs Lane, Gin Pit, Glazebury, Higher Green, Hindley Green, Land Side, Lane Head, Lately Common, Lower Green, Lowton, Lowton Common, Lowton St Mary's, Marsland Green, Plank Lane, Twiss Green, Tyldesley and Westleigh, covered by twenty-eight estate agents, three mortgage advisers and one conveyancing solicitor via the Estate Angels site.
The average selling price for property in Leigh over the past twelve months has been £92,710. Most of these properties were existing terraced houses. Twenty-nine have been sold here at an average price of £75,369, which is below the national average for existing terraced houses and is just below the average selling price in Greater Manchester for this property type.
Twenty-three estate agent contact requests have been made here during the last twelve months, 65.2% fewer than the twelve months before; twelve people used the Estate Angels service to contact a in Leigh over the past twelve months - 82.6% fewer than during the twelve months beforehand and three people have used Estate Angels to contact other advisers during the last twelve months, which is an increase of 100% over the preceding twelve months.