About Eagley
Eagley is a settlement in Greater Manchester, England. It is located near to Affetside, Astley Bridge, Barrow Bridge, Belmont, Bolton, Bradshaw, Breightmet, Bromley Cross, Chapeltown, Dimple, Doffcocker, Edgworth, Egerton, Halliwell, Harwood, Harwood Lee, Heaton, Horrocks Fold, Markland Hill, Tonge Fold, Toppings and Turton Bottoms. We have forty-three estate agents, four mortgage advisers and one conveyancing solicitor covering Eagley.
The average selling price for property in Eagley over the past twelve months has been £196,618. Most of these properties were existing flats. Twenty-five have been sold here at an average price of £155,718, which is around the national average for existing flats and is just above the average selling price in Greater Manchester for this property type.
Three estate agent contact requests have been made in Eagley during the last twelve months, an increase of 200% compared to the preceding twelve months and three mortgage adviser contact requests have been made here during the past twelve months, 200% more than the preceding twelve-month period.