About Parkstone
Parkstone is a suburb in Poole, England. It is located near to Bournemouth, Branksome, Branksome Park, Broadstone, Canford Cliffs, Hamworthy, Hillbourne, Lilliput, Longfleet, Newtown, Oakdale, Poole, Rossmore, Sandbanks, Stanley Green, Talbot Village, Wallisdown, Waterloo, West Howe and Westbourne. Estate Angels has one hundred and seventeen estate agents, four mortgage advisers and one conveyancing solicitor covering Parkstone.
The average selling price for property in Parkstone over the past twelve months has been £254,898. Most of these properties were existing detached houses. Forty-five have been sold here at an average price of £305,885, which is around the national average for existing detached houses and is just below the average selling price in Poole for this property type.
Twenty-three estate agent contact requests have been made in Parkstone during the last twelve months, a decrease of 63.5% compared to the preceding twelve months; sixty-one people have used Estate Angels to contact a mortgage adviser here during the last twelve months, which is a decrease of 7.6% over the preceding twelve months and we processed one other adviser contact request here during the last twelve months, an increase of 100% compared to the preceding twelve months period.