Top five house hunting tips

Fri 11th May, 15:00:00 BST

Top five house hunting tips

For any individual, no matter what their circumstance, property hunting is a stressful and difficult time. With houses to view and finances to organise, it can be easy for house-hunters to feel overwhelmed – so what can you do to rectify this?

  1. Expert advice

When house hunting, it is always a good idea to take into consideration the advice of property experts and to look into any property news that may be relevant.

Such advice can be invaluable with several property websites offering a great place to start. Look at the properties which are on offer and read online guides to house hunting and renting to ensure you are fully prepared when you attend viewings.

  1. Location

Location is often the most important factor when it comes to house hunting, so give this a lot of thought. Consider how close you want to be to friends and family and how far you are willing to commute for work.

Make sure the area suits your needs and offers all the services you need. This will depend on your personal preferences so it might be worth making a clear list of your requirements.

  1. Explore the local area

You won’t know whether the local area is perfect for you or not unless you explore it beforehand.

If you get a chance to talk to the neighbours or visit the local shops, then do so. This is where you’ll be living for the foreseeable future so you want to make sure you are comfortable.

  1. Budget

It is incredibly important to spend time working out exactly what conditions your finances are in. Create a budget, remembering to include all the associated costs, and stick to it.

  1. Find a home, not a house

There is far more to choosing a new house than looking at how many bedrooms it has and where it is located. Ultimately, you want to look at features which make a house a home – such as the local area and the community services – and sites such as Zoopla can help with this.

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