Good time to build green properties

Fri 16th May, 16:41:50 BST

Homebuilders with a green conscience have been advised that now is a good time to build an eco-home.

A leading expert on the subject has revealed that the current climate in the housing market plays into the hands of those wishing to build an eco-home.

Builders have been advised that they can get their hands on a bargain property and turn it into a green home.

In addition, Green Moves UK pointed out that planners are happy to allow green building work to go ahead.

"[Planners] do look more favourably upon exceptional sustainable housing projects compared to just any old house builder putting up their standard fare," said managing director Julian Brooks.

"It''s a good time to try and get hold of your plot or your old derelict property to knock it down and rebuild and at the same time I would say the indications we are getting within the planning system is that the planners look much more favourably upon an ultra sustainable self-build than they would on just a conventional rabbit hutch," he added.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18597831-ADNFCR

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