Long-term investors may benefit from market conditions

Thu 8th May, 10:38:25 BST

Buy-to-let property investors should not be too concerned by the collapse of Inside Track, particularly if they see their properties as long-term investments.

That is according to website Property Hawk, which said that long-term investors are more likely to be able to ride out fluctuations in the housing market.

Inside Track focused on making short-term gains on investment properties and so was badly affected when the market began to slow.

However, it does not mean that all buy-to-let investors stand to endure a torrid time.

In fact, Property Hawk editor Chris Horne said that the current housing market conditions could actually throw up a number of opportunities for buy-to-let investors.

"[Inside Track] probably represents the pinnacle of short-term property speculation. But the long-term investors are probably now turning their attention to the possibility of picking up bargains at auction," he explained.

"There are a lot of new apartments that were sold, ironically, by Inside Track, and now they''re appearing at what really is a discount to the market value – as opposed to an applied discount to the developer''s price.

"You can find properties being sold at a 30 or 40 per cent reduction from what they were originally sold at," added Mr Horne.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18584151-ADNFCR

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