Housing market shows positive signs

Wed 23rd Apr, 16:50:00 BST

There was an increase in the number of registered buyers in March, according to the latest figures.

That National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) has revealed that the number of buyers on estate agents'' books rose from an average of 243 in February to 249 in March.

Further to this, there were more available properties in March compared to February.

According to the NAEA''s figures, each agent had an average of 74 properties to sell in February, while this rose marginally to 76 in March.

Last month''s figure was also higher than the 62-property average recorded in March 2007.

Stewart Lilly, president of the NAEA, said that the housing market continues to be supported by strong underlying fundamentals.

"There is a constant need to remind people that the underlying factors that hold-up the property market - low unemployment, historically low interest rates and a pent-up demand for houses - still exist," he commented.

"In fact, a number of NAEA agents from across the United Kingdom are still reporting stable property markets with many of their branches making steady sales," added Mr Lilly.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18564998-ADNFCR

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