Estate agent helps fund Christmas lights

Wed 31st Oct, 12:43:47 GMT

In the west London borough of Hounslow, shop owners including estate agents have clubbed together to raise £12,000 for Christmas lights on Brentford High Street.

The district is one of the few in the borough that has never had the benefit of festive decorations, but thanks to engagement by the local community that will change for the first time this December.

"We are all still waiting for the re-generation to happen on the south side of the high street, but this year we said to heck with south side we will do it ourselves and brighten up Brentford," estate agent Julia Quilliam told the Richmond & Twickenham Times.

A community support group known as the Brentford High Street Steering Group pioneered the Xmas drive, which saw local schoolchildren being invited to contribute creative decorations.

On a slightly larger scale, it has also been announced that the world-famous Oxford St Christmas lights will this year be switched on by X-Factor winner Leona Lewis - who will perform her latest single Bleeding Love during the ceremony.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18337388-ADNFCR

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