''Hip'' stories ''incorrect'' say lenders

Thu 23rd Aug, 13:47:41 BST

Leading mortgage lenders have stated that they have no intention of accepting the personal searches included in Home Information Packs (Hips) in connection with mortgages.

The comments from Barclays and HSBC come after a report in the Daily Mail stated that both banks are set to demand that buyers conduct extra searches as they did not trust the information provided by Hips.

Speaking to the BBC, a spokesman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders stated: "Lenders have agreed that as long as the property search organisation is a member of the Council of Property Search Organisations then the lenders will accept that search."

In addition, Barclaycard said in a statement: "Various stories have suggested that Barclays/Woolwich will not accept personal searches included in Home Information Packs in connection with mortgages. This is incorrect.

"Barclays/Woolwich will accept personal searches but at the conveyancer''s risk. Our policy in this area is in line with other major mortgage lenders. Solicitors/conveyancers have always taken legal responsibility for searches and this remains the case."


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